akery Fuel

Methodology: Interviews
Language: English
Catalysts: Kaustubh Marathe
Youth Fellows:
Kaustubh Marathe
Alok Chorghe
Vishal Rasal
Abhishek Pawar
Priyanka Fernandes
Sudhir Khodwekar
Roshan Ghatkar
Coordinator: Kapil Chavan
About the Subject:
The urbanization processes are leading to increased use of fossil energy in every aspect of life, leading to increased levels of pollution, ozone depletion and global warming. To add to this insult most of the bakeries in the city are using wood as a fuel. How much do these fuels contribute to the carbon emissions? How does it affect the health of local workers? While other sources of fuel are available, why are the bakery owners still using wood? These were the questions haunting Kaustubh and his friends.
Challenges & Learnings:
Most of the bakery owners resisted giving interviews and sharing truthful information. Some interviewers requested anonymity. No one allowed photographs. The researchers continued their project in a tenacious fashion despite these difficulties.
Their research helped in drawing two important conclusions. First and foremost was that most bakery owners had no knowledge about the relationship between usage of wood and pollution and its final impact on health and global warming. Second, those who knew this simply could not afford to switch to either diesel or electric oven due to prohibitive costs. A few believed that the taste of the final products of their bakery was better with wood as a fuel.
End Product:
They created a small booklet where all these conclusions are shared
October 4th, 2010 by admin
Methodology: Interviews
Language: English
Catalysts: Kaustubh Marathe
Youth Fellows:
Kaustubh Marathe
Alok Chorghe
Vishal Rasal
Abhishek Pawar
Priyanka Fernandes
Sudhir Khodwekar
Roshan Ghatkar
Coordinator: Kapil Chavan
About the Subject:
The urbanization processes are leading to increased use of fossil energy in every aspect of life, leading to increased levels of pollution, ozone depletion and global warming. To add to this insult most of the bakeries in the city are using wood as a fuel. How much do these fuels contribute to the carbon emissions? How does it affect the health of local workers? While other sources of fuel are available, why are the bakery owners still using wood? These were the questions haunting Kaustubh and his friends.
Challenges & Learnings:
Most of the bakery owners resisted giving interviews and sharing truthful information. Some interviewers requested anonymity. No one allowed photographs. The researchers continued their project in a tenacious fashion despite these difficulties.
Their research helped in drawing two important conclusions. First and foremost was that most bakery owners had no knowledge about the relationship between usage of wood and pollution and its final impact on health and global warming. Second, those who knew this simply could not afford to switch to either diesel or electric oven due to prohibitive costs. A few believed that the taste of the final products of their bakery was better with wood as a fuel.
End Product:
They created a small booklet where all these conclusions are shared